.....and all the other stuff:

I also knit, crochet, cook and other things, so watch out :-)

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

French Seam......again....

I suddenly had to use the french seam again........
I am moving into an apartment with the smallest toilet/bathroom I ever have seen before, so I just had to figure something out.
I meassured the room to be  1 times 1,5 meter (3 times 5 feet).....but there's 2,5 meters (8,2 feet) to the ceiling

A shower curtain (bought) is about 2 meter (6,5 feet) high, but i needed it a little longer, as I wanted it to cover the funny window in the back

So I found those laces among my fabrics, but they weren't wide enough AND now the french seam comes in handy.
The seam will be perfect because the french seam leaves no edges and it is even stronger because you sew through the laces twice, and then hit more fabric. (you can see the seam to the right)

Now there's a curtain in bothe ends of the "bathroom", and you can see that the curtain covers the toilet bowl (then I only will have to wipe off the zink afterwards....I will now give it a try......