.....and all the other stuff:

I also knit, crochet, cook and other things, so watch out :-)

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Moving, messy and pillows

Hi, I am still here   :-)

Oh how time flies, when one is busy.....
I hope you haven't given up on me, but ríght now another corner is reached.
I was living temporarily in my late Dad's apartment and it is finally sold, we handed over the keys on Saturday.
The time has been spent with emptying the apartment, sorting and throwing out.......and my, what a lot, one gathers throughout a whole life..........and I tell you my Dad sorted several times before he died, he hated clutter and too much bric-a-brac.
Now I finally am in my own, and first, apartment, surrounded by boxes and sacks!
I still need to empty a storage room (still need to get 24 boxes) and look here:
I hope this will end up being my "sewing- corner"

And, at the moment I am "in bed with my fabrics"!

I am really trying to get this organized in the absolute best way, so I guess it will take some time before everything is placed as I wish.
But something I have found out:

In my small livingroom have I chosen to use a guest-bed as sofa, and I have made pillowcases, in which I can hide the extra pillows and duvets. so by now I have a really cosy corner! (the tv is just opposite - lol)
These are just the first ones, there'll be more when I find the rest of the duvets in the storage
And I have found time and place for sewing too, my daughter needed leggings......
The dining table functioning as cutting table! I am glad I am the only one living here...  ( notice the tool box on the floor, I have put up everything myself, even the shelves in the bedroom.... and they are still up!!!!)
Well I'd better continue, take care everybody until next time.............