.....and all the other stuff:

I also knit, crochet, cook and other things, so watch out :-)

Friday, 15 August 2014

My sewing machines

I thought you should know, that I for the moment am living in a borrowed apartment, while I am looking for the right apartment to live in. I have been living in my own house for almost 40 years but have now sold it to avoid maintenance.
I have always had my own workshop, sometimes not that much space, but for the last years really big and NOW.....

2 machines on the floor under a table, and then these few shelves....everything else is stored (that is 13 sacks of fabric and at least 6 boxes with accessories and patterns)
 This is the " new workshop"

And yes, I have bought these fabrics recently.....one is addicted......lol. The thread I simply had to go and "dig up" from the storage room as I started to miss the sewing after a few weeks.
So at the moment everything is happening at the dining table....

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