.....and all the other stuff:

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Thursday, 12 May 2016

Coated snap locks

Sometimes you really want to make something perfect, and today I have finished a jacket/frock coat.
For some time I have been lacking something to wear over my longer tops/ short dresses, so when I got lucky and found some really cheap fabric with  the right texture I went looking for a pattern in my large collection of BURDA magazines.
This is the result, and I even made the lining with the most lively fabric brought home from Malaysia last Summer.... and  the total price for it all, inclusive the rather expensive snap locks, that I , according to the pattern,  were going to use for the front.....is.... 150 DKK/ 28 USD.....


I started making my own clothes at the age of 13, and had a dream of becoming a designer of clothes.Then in the 9th grade I was able to work for a week in a professional sewing shop in Copenhagen. That was a really interesting experience, I was impressed when I saw they coated the snaplocks, in order to make them almost invisible!!.....a bit crazy in my oppinion at that time, but exactly today I was happy I remembered the process.

The snaps I had bought were big and shiny, and would definitely not be looking good on the coat as they were... and I have really been doing my best ... even sewn a lot by hand on the project.
I decided to coat them like this:
First I cut 2 circles of fabric a bit bigger, that the snaps

Then I basted all the way around the edge

Pulled the thread together and sewed over the wrinkled edges on the backside after making a small hole for the nob and hole in front of the snap

Can't you clearly see the difference?

This is how it looks on the jacket
...and on the front side I just attached a button to make it look finished

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